Client Love…

  • Traci De Forge

    "I was able to focus on my most profitable service vs chasing too many revenue streams at once. Hired CRO and let go of two people that were not moving the company forward. Started facing conflict instead of dodging it and throwing money at the situation. Changed my perception of my debt story. Negotiated an exit strategy and then turned down the offer because it was not right for me.

    I'm more confident about standing in my own boundaries, unapologetically. (most of the time!) I was able to shift the narrative around business growth decisions into a more positive and factual perspective. I am less hard on myself about perceived shortcomings and able to see them as assets."

  • Jancina Dyer

    "I have a great business coach who will kick your butt when needed, and help you see why you are not achieving what you are wanting to achieve. She will help you develop your idea, not hers or some popular trending business plan. She supports women and helps them grow.

    I am so much more focused and have made such great strides in my business. I like the framework and access of the program and felt supported and held accountable when needed but not in a condescending way. I am so grateful for our work together."

  • Heather Frechette-Crowley

    "I've followed the podcast since Day 1 and knew that her former therapist / no BS approach was what I needed.

    Diann combines the insight of a therapist with the skillset of a business strategist. Her ability to read between the lines and uncover what was behind the procrastination and indecision was spot-on.

    You'll walk away with actionable steps. The time spent is focused and not a minute is wasted. Well worth it!

    Our VIP Day was like a gateway drug...I will be back!"

  • Lauren

    “After listening to one podcast I knew I wanted to work with Diann. She seems to understand women who have or may have undiagnosed/untreated ADHD and the problems and benefits that result from a lifetime of compensating strategies.

    I knew I needed a coach and not a therapist in order to start my business off right.”

  • Afton

    “Diann helped me through the intense process of quitting my job and figuring out my next steps. She taught me to think about accountability in a more direct way and has shifted my mindset to a much more active, positive approach.”

  • Paulina

    “I wanted to work with Diann as I was stuck in my head about setting up my business and wanted some help to get clearer. I'd been a fan of Diann's podcast for a while and that's why I approached her. I am only starting out with my business and Diann has given me a sense of clarity, direction, what the next steps are and what to prioritise.”

  • Pam

    “I have started trusting myself (intuition) more. I face my fears and try not to let them stop me from reaching for my goals. I got past that scary part in the beginning because of the structure and clarity Diann provided. I've always known I have more growing to do and she helped me start to see that I can reach my full potential. I also feel more confident working with people because of Diann.”

  • Lauren

    “Diann has had such a positive impact on my life. She has helped me redefine myself and my larger goals and has helped me see myself as a creative, gifted, and intuitive individual with so much potential. She has helped me put systems into place and build habits that have allowed me to understand and workaround some of my natural tendencies, while reinforcing my ability to pursue long term goals with intention.”

  • Pete

    “I decided to work with Diann due to her vast knowledge and experience in leading and guiding encore entrepreneurs. Her expertise & ability to create a realistic business plan based on core values was exactly what I needed. Diann laid out a step by step plan that is realistic and obtainable.”

  • Louise

    “I'm much more aware of what constitutes a Quick Hit vs. a Big Win which helps me to prioritize and stay on track which ultimately impacts the results in my life and business in a powerful way. “

  • Arawn

    “I'm a lot more focused on starting my side business and trying to make it profitable. I started posting regularly on IG and made an email funnel. I clarified the direction I want to go in.”

  • Dallas

    “Finding Diann was serendipitous. I decided to work with her based on an intuitive sense that she just might be the secret sauce for ADHD brains to turn information (which we are excellent at obtaining) into patterns that are accessible and usable, despite the dopamine shortage in the way we are wired. She exceeded my expectations in every way.”

  • Meredith

    “Diann is a badass. I've found her business acumen, insight and guidance invaluable. I really enjoy working with her because she is the perfect

    mix of smart (ass), intelligent and funny. Her ability to laugh with me in one moment and then switch gears in the next moment, and deliver some no-nonsense business advice (empathetically) is truly remarkable.”

  • Danielle

    “I am more deliberate in what I take on and planning for my future as well as my day. I've identified the values driving me in my business and the best ways to provide my services consistent with those values. I see more possibilities and am starting to really 'get' that the only real limitations are the ones I put on myself.“

  • Cara

    “I am a more confident boss and show up that way to my team. I second guess myself a lot less. I'm more comfortable really getting to the bottom of an issue and making sure everyone is clear on what is being asked and expected moving forward.”

  • Val

    “I am very satisfied with the outcome of our coaching engagement. I am able to focus on my core values, not what others think they should be and get to root of what was making me feel so stuck in some relationships as well as in work. I feel freer and have opened myself up to consider very different options for making a living. I'm even working on plans for starting a small business of my own.”

  • Robin

    “After listening to Diann on a podcast I heard her describe what ADHD was and how it gets in the way of achieving your goals. She was talking to me.

    Now I get up earlier every day and meditate each morning.“

  • Andrea

    “Diann helped me see that I had been automatically apologizing for everything - even when it wasn't something I had control over. My self-esteem has improved quite a bit - especially after Diann kept reminding me I was constantly saying "I'm still......" every time I didn't get things right immediately.“

  • Tanya

    “I’ve learned to understand a bit more about who I am, my strengths, my tendencies, and my quirks. With Diann’s help, I’ve re-written the script- instead of seeing myself as someone with all these flaws, I’ve learned to see myself in a new light, and utilize my “flaws” in constructive ways.”

  • Emily

    “Diann's coaching helped me stand by my decisions and assert myself better. I apply her coaching to my business and my day to day living, which have both definitely improved since I started working with her.”

  • Laura

    “I am so ready for the New Year! And this is because of Diann's coaching! Of all the things I learned with my time with Diann, taking responsibility and self acceptance were the biggest. Thank you Diann for our lessons. You are an inspiration!”

  • Marina

    “Diann taught me so much about how my brain works and helped me see and appreciate my many positive attributes. I learned that change is possible, and that my potential is so much greater than I ever realized. I know that my brain works differently from others,, most of the time I can see its many advantages. I actually love my brain now. I feel confident and optimistic about the future and spend way less time thinking about the past.”

  • Kris

    “Diann helped me see the bigger picture and the potential I have for myself and my business. These changes have already resulted in better work/life balance while being more productive than I have in the past. I'm making shifts that will allow me to be more profitable and avoid burnout trying to reach my goals. I am making authentic, long-lasting changes because of the mindset shifts I have made while working with Diann.”

  • Tracey

    “I am at my best when I follow Diann’s recommendation for my morning routine. I always thought something was wrong with me because I didn’t fit the “Normy” type (Diann’s word) and I don’t check all the ADHD boxes 📦. Diann led me to discover that I happen to be a gifted woman with ADHD. I still have a lot to learn and discover about myself and the way my unique brain 🧠 works and I am grateful to Diann for helping me start to unlearn some of my false conditional beliefs.”

  • Suzanne

    “Diann is excellent at recognizing ADHD tendencies, explaining adult ADHD and keeping me on track and accountable.

    I loved that we worked on things other than ADHD (core values) but that you were still willing to share all of the ADHD worksheets with me to do on my own time.

    Diann is an awesome coach and I am grateful our paths crossed.”

  • Jen

    ‘I instantly felt seen and understood by Diann. I intuitively knew she would have a tremendous positive impact on the trajectory of my future. The ADHD traits that I previously viewed as limiting but I am now able to recognize and utilize as leverage points to success. I am so grateful for all of your strength and vulnerability. You truly model the life that you are helping others achieve. You inspire me and have helped me embrace my inner strength.”

  • Casey

    “I loved working with Diann. Her combination of intelligence and straight-shooting candor was awesome and happened to be exactly what I needed and it’s clear that she’s invested in her client’s success.

    Diann helped me gain a deeper understanding of the fact that I'm in the driver's seat and I create my own life. I became hyper aware of how my default reactions were stopping me from seeing my own strengths and carving out the path forward. The ways she challenges you to look at things differently are effective and transformative”

  • Rachel

    “I heard Diann on a podcast within 24 hrs of my diagnosis and I knew I wanted to work with her. She was clearly knowledgeable and knew exactly what I was dealing with and I had confidence she would be able to help me.

    Diann is gifted at this and will help so many people. I can’t wait for her podcast and the group coaching to get going!!”

  • Vito

    “I credit Diann’s coaching with my increased awareness and being able to see and accept myself in a whole new way. I have worked with four previous ADHD coaches and feel that they each prepared me to work with someone like Diann. She was able to coach me at the highest level, because she truly understands the unique challenges of being a professional and an entrepreneur. She helped me understand that I am a builder and that it’s a need, not a preference.”

  • Samara

    “Diann's compassion and direct, no-nonsense approach was the perfect fit for me. Diann's "walk what you talk" coaching style always gave me real-life examples of how to apply the principles she teaches. Her personal experience with growth and change is invaluable, and I couldn't help but feel understood, encouraged and headed in the right direction after every session.”

  • Adriana

    “I can't begin to tell you what a difference these sessions have made for me, both in terms of my relationships and in my confidence in general. I feel equipped with powerful tools. It's been an amazing journey, and you've been an incredible guide. I really felt like you "got" me and understood my struggles. I'll be forever grateful for your coaching, Diann.”

  • Heidi

    “I have already shared the experience of working with Diann to some friends and family. I will continue to share Diann's thoughts and expertise on this subject and I definitely recommend any women between the ages of 40-60 to reach out to her. Our sessions were extremely informative and inspiring.”

  • Kris

    “Diann's coaching and the tools she used helped me to see I had control in a situation that seemed out of control, and that brought me peace. I am so thankful to have connected with Diann and grateful for the genuine care & support she provided to me. I highly recommend Diann to anyone that wants coaching!!!!”

Ready for your own brag-worthy results?  

 You have to stop thinking & start doing 


Let's see if we're a fit & the timing is right