Life Lessons for When Shit Happens

After many years of “winging it” as my preferred modus operandi, I knew I would have to become less spontaneous and more of a planner when I decided to launch this podcast two years ago.  Once I decided to commit to it,  I learned to become a planner and even found I liked it.  But sometimes, in spite of our planning, things go sideways and shit happens. My husband and I just relocated for the second time in barely three years and the experience has been full of surprises, and not the good kind. 

This episode is not about planning or being consistent, at least not directly.  It is about the fact that many times in life, things do not go as we intend or expect, no matter how well we have planned.  Life has an uncanny knack for throwing us just enough curveballs to have some of us thinking ‘why bother?” about planning, while others become humorless control-freaks trying to get life to conform to their will. 

I decided to record this episode instead of the one I had planned in order to give you a behind the scenes look into some of my personal challenges,  a peek into my podcast production process and share my perspective, evolution and growth as a human being. My life experiences over the past few weeks have been such a good reminder that we need to manage our mindset, not just our To Do list.  My editor gave it a thumbs up, saying “this one is for the planner and perfectionist who sweats the small stuff and wants to control everything, that’s me.”  I just knew if it spoke to her, it would speak to you too. 

Discussed in this episode: 

  • The limitations of planning and how they make us more resilient 

  • Dealing with the emotions of disappointment, anxiety and frustration 

  • Lessons from Buddhism about dealing with the unexpected

  • How to get through challenges by focusing on your values 

Some of the traits and habits I have struggled with most and learned to overcome are procrastination and perfectionism.  Do you know which beliefs and habits are standing in your way?   

I created a quiz with 6 common problems that interfere with our success as solopreneurs.  

Take my FREE quiz and get your personalized result, and more importantly, what you can do about it. 

What’s Holding You Back?


With 20+ years of experience as a psychotherapist and 5+ years as a coach, I rarely meet a solopreneur who wouldn’t benefit from some expert guidance in this area. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to see if my signature 12-week 1:1 coaching program is right for you.

If you are the kind of entrepreneur who learns as much from others as you do when you and your business are the sole focus, my brand new group membership program is starting soon and the first step is to get on the waitlist. 

Click here to be notified of all the details: Group Coaching Waitlist 


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The place to be for entrepreneurial women who are ready to go from driven and distracted to focused, fired up, and flame retardant  (

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So, that’s all for now, Driven Woman!  Please join us next week for another amazing guest interview with Laura Eiger, PhD, a leadership coach, author and speaker who joins me for an stimulating conversation about the importance of leading with our values.  You don’t want to miss this one. 


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